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A member registered Jun 29, 2020

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that's obviously a lie lmao

+100 luck

what about now? Lmao

What are you talking about?

Thank you very much.

Okay but, what's the update?

Oh okay phew 

Link better not be a virus

Every time, I see these comments on every game.


Please learn grammar, also the president of the U.S, can not just go and tell random engine owners to treat people better just because they run the country.

If you are on PC, you need to right click, then click unzip file. I am not too sure how to do it on mobile, if it's even on mobile at all. 

Hah nice pun donut ever do it again.

Skins, seriously? Skins would be so useless, also they are trying to stay as close to the original as possible, so adding skins would be, not only pointless, but also stupid.

I'd be cool to be able to honk the others on the poster too.

A porn parody of FNAF 1, did you not read the title or the message before you clicked play?

What's the strat for night 5? I keep fucking dying, due to them camping my doors and my power running out.

Also, what's with the stars underneath the title of the game on the main menu?

I just got exactly what you were talking about,  it's just a random occurrence, like on the cameras with the random characters.

How did you wash your screen? Mine is all sticky (I am just joking)

(1 edit)

Probably just need to unlock the night, aka beat night 5

If you haven't already, click the blue donut on your desk, 5 times.

If you're playing in incognito, it doesn't save any progress.

(2 edits)

It's definitely intentional, especially since Freddy tells you to stop, 7 times before Golden Freddy shows up.

ah nice thank you for letting me know, I never would have found out on my own 

Maybe learn how to spell correctly before you start hating on people's games. 

U gotta put each event in order for you to proceed. 

I don't think I have enough waffles...

(1 edit)

Okay this game is actually well made, the characters are adorable, and the game is still challenging, mainly cause of Golden Freddy. Chica is so cute when she's staring at the plushie. Also the scenes are noice.

Shaming someone's kink is being a fucking jackass. Who are you to tell others what they like is wrong. Go drown in a lake.

Lmfao okay normie, just cause you don't like this content does not mean you have to side with the jack ass, and be one too. Go play some other game if it bothers the fuck outta ya this much.


Do we get to fuck either of them?

How do I report this dude for bein toxic

Can't wait for the 3rd act to come out

Lapis is my fav character